I'm Alicja - CX & UX Designer. I help brands turn their ideas into high quality products.
Empathize, Define, and Ideate. It's important to understand the user problem and needs and the business goals. Backing with research and analysis helps to create a solid ground for the creative process.
Interaction, Journey and Relationship. Designing products with the goal to create long-term relationship with the customer. Creating digital engagement strategy from onboarding to regular interaction with the company, its services and its product.
Enhance and communicate to all. Making design more intuitive by creating micro-animations, using videos and animated content to better communicate with the user and provide necessary information support.
Bringing work to life. Providing design interface, wireframes, high fidelity mockups, style guiding and direct collaboration with the front-end developers and project overview from start to finish. *I'm currently learning Bulma CSS Framework.
Collect. Choose. Create. Commit. Facilitating communication
In today’s digital world, the possibilities are endless, but what truly captivates me is the human element.
I started my professional journey working with film and theatre, during this period I gained passion for telling a story through various forms of visual design. Over time I moved to a commercial sector to use my skills creating digital content as well as user interface. Currently I design digital journeys for app, web and interactive point of sale.
She has a great set of skills and determination to lead projects from start to finish. I highly recommend her for any Digital Product development.
I highly recommended for any Digital Project or Web Design, because her performance was good in any aspect.
I recommend her participation for any kind of creative projects that require a dedicated and passionate attitude as she has the ability to overcome difficulties and work in a team.